by Adopt a Pet, | February 7, 2024
Kate Ames / Stocksy
You’ve brought home a Pit Bull, and you’re now wondering, “How long does it take Pit Bulls to get used to a new home?” Every dog is different, so there is no answer that suits every Pit Bull. Some will jump right into life in their new family, but others can take time — even up to a few months — to adjust. Unfortunately, some adopters don’t give their new family member the needed time to get used to new rules and routines and return the dog to the shelter after a week or so.
When you adopt a Pit Bull or American pit bull terrier, you don’t know what they’ve been through, so it makes sense they might not realize right away that your home is their forever home. Each time a dog is moved to a new place, it makes them more anxious. Over time, however, they’ll start to trust you and understand that your home is where they get to stay.
Dogs aren’t born with the knowledge that they shouldn’t chew your shoes, go the bathroom on the carpet, or stay off the furniture. These things must be taught. If you’re not sure how to train a Pit Bull to follow your house rules, talk to a trainer who can help. Hiring a trainer may not be necessary, as many pit bulls — and dogs in general — will learn what you expect after being in the home for a while.
Your new Pit Bull may have been through a lot, so be patient and give them the time they need. It will be well worth it when, after a few weeks or months, you start to see that they now know you are their family and that your home is the place where they’ll be safe and loved forever.
Breed Info
From the richest to the poorest and everything in between, in America, the Pit Bull was the dog for kids.
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