
How Long Does It Take a Shih Tzu to Get Used to a New Home?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024

How Long Does It Take a Shih Tzu to Get Used to a New Home?

Drazen Zigic / iStock

Although every dog is different, it’ll typically take between one and three months for a Shih Tzu to get used to a new home. Many factors are involved in how long they take to adjust. Often, puppies and younger dogs adjust faster. Older dogs that have been with the same owner for years can have a more difficult time. With patience and some work, though, it’s possible to help create a safe place where your Shih Tzu feels comfortable and becomes used to their new home.

Provide patience, love, and some space

When you bring home your new Shih Tzu, you’ll want to ensure that they have some space that will be their own. Provide a nice doggie pillow and some toys in a quiet corner of the living room or another room of the house. Let your dog get used to the house slowly. Give them a tour of the places they are allowed to go and use a calming, gentle voice. Don’t try to force your dog to get used to the new home because that’s just going to backfire.

Your dog will be scared when they arrive in most cases because everything is so new. Realize that they’re not going to be ready to socialize and be a “regular” dog for a little while. You’ll also want to realize that there could be some accidents in the beginning. You don’t know their schedule and she hasn’t adapted to yours.

This is why it’s so important to create a schedule as soon as possible. Your Shih Tzu should be fed at the same times each day, and they should be going out for walks and to the bathroom at the same time. Of course, you’ll still want to watch their behavior and take them out on a leash if they give signs of wanting to go to the bathroom.

Keep things low key for a few weeks around the house, too. Even though you’re happy and proud to have a new, lovable dog, you don’t want to invite people over. Your dog needs space where they feels comfortable and come to see the house as her place. Bringing over a bunch of new people every few days to look at your new dog can slow down their adjustment.

If you allow friends and family to adopt

One of the best ways to rehome your dog is to find someone in your family or friend circle that’s looking to adopt. It tends to be fast and easy, and you have more peace of mind since you know the adopter. However, you have to be careful. You don’t want your dog to become confused. Once they’ve been adopted, allow your dog plenty of time to settle into their new home and with their new family before visiting.

Your dog will feel at home soon enough

It might be a few weeks, or it might be a few months, but eventually, your Shih Tzu will feel right at home and will love you and your family. Just give them the time they need and remember to be patient.

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