HomeAdoptionFirst Time Dog Parent? Here’s a Helpful Checklist for You

First Time Dog Parent? Here’s a Helpful Checklist for You

Are you new to dog adoption? We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive checklist. It’s everything a first-time pet parent needs to prepare for their new pup.

by Courtney Elliott, | December 13, 2023

First Time Dog Parent? Here’s a Helpful Checklist for You

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Being a pet parent is more than just getting wet nose kisses — though that is one of the best perks. Before bringing your new dog home, you’ll need to gather essential supplies, such as food and water bowls, a crate, collar, leash, identification tags, toys, and poop bags. Prepare your home by securing furniture, hiding tempting hazards, and adding area rugs to protect floors. You’ll also want to establish a safe space for your dog with a crate, blankets, and toys. The to-do list can get long, and the costs may add up, so here’s everything you’ll need, in one comprehensive guide.

How to dog proof your home

Prior to those eager paws setting foot in your home, there’s a lot to consider. The importance of preparing your home for a new dog can’t be stressed enough. If your home isn’t safe, your pup won’t be either.

The advantages of setting up your home for your dog before they arrive are endless. Being prepared can reduce stress for both you and your dog. It also creates a welcoming, secure environment in which your new companion can thrive.

Here’s a quick list of things to do before bringing home your new dog.

1. Secure hazardous items

Remove any potentially harmful items from your dog’s reach, including small objects, electrical cords, and toxic plants. Puppy-proofing your space is crucial for their safety.

2. Designate a safe space

Create a cozy corner or a designated area with your dog’s bed, crate, toys, and water bowl. This will become their sanctuary, helping them feel secure in their new environment.

3. Hide or secure cables

Puppies are notorious chewers. Tape-down or hide cables to prevent any injuries or unintended electrical incidents.

4. Check for escape routes

Ensure all doors and windows are secure. A curious dog might see an open door as an invitation for exploration, leading to potential escapes.

5. Set up a schedule

Establish a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, training, and potty time. This may need to be adjusted based on your dog’s specific needs, but keeping a strict routine not only aids in-house training but also provides stability.

6. Plan for vet visits

Choose a vet, and schedule a visit for vaccinations, a health check, and to discuss diet and nutrition. Keeping up with regular vet appointments is crucial for your dog’s health and happiness.

What you should buy for a new puppy

As excited as you may be to jump right into pet parenthood, there are some necessary supplies for a new puppy that you’ll need to purchase before they come home. Follow this checklist for puppy supplies, so you’re prepared for the rush of puppyhood.

Bowls for food and water

Invest in sturdy, non-tip bowls to keep your pup fueled and hydrated. Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are easy to clean and discourage chewing. Regular mealtimes and access to fresh water are essential for your puppys health and well-being, making this set of bowls a must-have.


Choosing the right food and treats for your dog is a significant step in ensuring their well-being. When adopting from a rescue, ask whomever was caring for them about your new dog’s current diet to maintain initial consistency. If you decide to transition to a different food, do so gradually to prevent digestive issues. A slow transition allows your dog’s system to adjust smoothly. Consulting with a veterinarian is key in selecting the most suitable food based on factors such as breed, age, and health condition. Vets can provide tailored advice, so that your dog receives the proper nutrients for optimal health.

Crate & crate accessories

A crate serves as a safe haven for your dog and helps with house training. Choose a size that allows your puppy to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Add in a safe chew toy, and once your dog is potty-trained, consider lining the crate with soft bedding. This cozy den provides security and helps establish a routine, making it an invaluable tool for a smooth transition into your home.

Dog-walking gear

Essentials for walks and outings, a comfortable collar or harness and a reliable leash ensure both safety and control. Opt for an adjustable collar to accommodate your puppy’s growth. A harness distributes pressure more evenly, making it a comfortable choice, especially for small breeds prone to tracheal issues.

For the outdoor adventures that come with potty-training, be armed with biodegradable, eco-friendly poop bags. Responsible waste disposal is not only neighborly, it’s also the law in several places.

Identification tags

Keep your puppy’s identification tags updated with their name and your contact information. This small accessory could be a lifesaver if your adventurous pup decides to explore beyond the backyard. It’s a simple, crucial step in ensuring a swift reunion if they ever wander off.


Puppies are bundles of energy, and toys are essential for mental stimulation and play. Choose a variety, including chew toys for teething, interactive toys for bonding, and plush toys for comfort. Toys not only keep your dog entertained, but also assist in teething relief and behavior training.

First-aid items

Accidents and emergencies happen without warning. It’s best to keep a kit at home that includes: hydrogen peroxide (to induce vomiting if your dog eats something toxic), antibiotic spray and bandages, a thermometer, scissors, tweezers, and a magnifying glass to better inspect wounds. In many cases, quick action at home will do the trick. But having a reliable vet and establishing round-the-clock urgent care are important for more serious injuries.

Travel items

Whether you’re making your way to a park, or driving to a hike, or getting on an airplane, you’ll need to keep some doggie supplies on hand. Some of these essentials include: a portable water bottle or bowl, a treat pouch, a medical kit, and a towel. And if you’re traveling in a car or plane, you may need a seat protector and harness, or cabin carrier.

Cleaning supplies

Let’s be real: Puppies sure are cute, but between potty-training accidents and good old-fashioned curiosity, they will create messes. Be prepared for the inevitable by stocking up on cleaning supplies. Keep in mind that puppies (and even adult dogs) will sniff and lick everything, so make sure your wipes and sprays are all nontoxic.

Additional first-time dog parent tips

From essential supplies, such as food bowls, crates, and identification tags to creating a safe and welcoming space, being well-prepared is the key to a smooth transition. Each detail should be somewhat personalized to contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your new companion.

How do I choose the right items for my dog?

Choosing the right items for your dog boils down to understanding their unique needs, and considering factors such as age, size, breed, and individual preferences. This can make all the difference. For smaller breeds, opt for appropriately sized collars, harnesses, and leashes to ensure a comfortable fit. Larger breeds may benefit from sturdier, heavy-duty options.

Regardless of size, breeds have varying exercise requirements, which may influence your choice of leashes and collars for daily walks. When it comes to your dog’s crate, the size should allow them to stand and turn around comfortably. Ultimately, observing your dog’s behavior, consulting with your vet, and experimenting with a variety of products will help you tailor these items to suit their unique needs and personalities.

Which toys should I buy for my new dog?

Choosing the right toys for your new dog is like curating a playtime paradise tailored to their preferences. Consider your dog’s size, age, and play style when selecting toys.

  • Durable chew toys can provide relief for teething puppies and prevent unwanted chewing on furniture.

  • Interactive toys — such as puzzle feeders — engage your dog’s mind and keep them entertained.

  • Plush toys offer comfort and companionship, while squeaky toys add an extra layer of excitement.

  • For the active pup, fetch-friendly toys or tug-of-war ropes can turn playtime into a workout.

Keep safety in mind by avoiding small parts (which are easy for your pup to choke on) as well as toys made with toxic chemicals. By observing your dog’s reactions and experimenting with different textures and types of toys, you’ll soon discover the perfect play accessories to keep their tails wagging.

Commonly asked questions

Should I consult with a veterinarian before bringing home a new dog?

Yes, consulting with a veterinarian before bringing home a new dog is a crucial step in ensuring a healthy start. Your vet can provide valuable insights into the specific needs of your chosen breed, recommend vaccinations, and offer advice on nutrition and preventive care. This early consultation sets the foundation for a happy and healthy life for your new family member.

How can I prepare my home to make it safe and comfortable for my new dog?

Preparing your home for a new dog involves creating a welcoming environment. Remove potential hazards, designate a cozy space with essentials such as a bed and toys, secure cables, and establish a regular feeding schedule. A lot goes into dog-proofing your home, so make sure you check every nook and cranny before your new dog arrives.

How do you make a dog first aid kit?

Given how prone young dogs are to getting into everything, you should keep a first-aid kit that includes items for both cuts and poison control. To this end, the ASPCA offers a great checklist of must-haves. Additionally, you should consider keeping two sets of first-aid items: one for your home, as well as a go-bag to keep with you when you travel with your dog.

What are the best dog breeds for first-time pet parents?

First, consider if you’re a fan of larger dog breeds or smaller canine breeds. Several factors may inform the right dog for you, such as the space you have for housing (including any pet-size restrictions), your lifestyle, if you have kids, and the dog’s overall personality. If you’re still not sure, we recommend you start by exploring the most popular dog breeds. Once you have an idea, search rescues in your area for your preferred breed, and if you’d like, by age, color, and gender.

How much does a dog cost?

The average yearly cost of having a dog can range from $1,270 to $2,803. As a rule of thumb, adopting a dog will always be more affordable than buying one from a breeder. So try searching first at rescues, many of which have purebreds and mixes. After factoring in adoption fees, vaccines, supplies and other one-time costs, you can expect your first year of pet parenthood to be pricier than subsequent years. Be sure to consult our guide to better budget for these expenses.

How do I introduce a new puppy to a dog?

To introduce a puppy to a new dog who already lives in your home, start by having them meet in neutral territory (such as the street or a park), keeping them both on leashes. Let them sniff each other, and look out for any signs of aggression, which means you’ll need to slow down this introduction process. At home, you should initially separate their play, eating, and sleeping spaces, to avoid fights. Over time, you can gradually introduce them to more interactions, like taking walks together. Consult our more detailed guide for more specifics on how to introduce a puppy to a dog.

Where can I find guidance on training and caring for my new dog?

Navigating the ins and outs of training and caring for your new dog is made easier with expert guidance. From basic commands to grooming tips, reputable sources such as training classes, online resources, and vet recommendations can provide valuable insights. Consistency, patience, and a willingness to learn will set you and your dog up for a successful and rewarding journey together.


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Courtney Elliott

Courtney Elliott

Courtney Elliott, a proud Cleveland native living in Manhattan, blends her decade of writing and editing expertise with her unshakable devotion as a pet parent to her French Bulldog, Gus. When she’s not at her desk, you’ll find her frolicking in Central Park or engrossed in a good book at a local coffee shop.