How to Welcome a New Cat—Your New Cat’s First Day
Adopting a new cat? Learn more about how you should introduce your adopted friend to their new home.
Adopting a new cat? Learn more about how you should introduce your adopted friend to their new home.
by Kelly Villa, | February 13, 2025
Mihajlo Ckovric / Stocksy
Bringing a new cat home is a big change — for them and for you. Their first day might be overwhelming as they adjust to unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. As much as you might want to cuddle your new kitty right away, remember — they might need a little breathing room those first few days. But there’s plenty you can do to make their transition into your family as seamless as possible. Here’s what to expect on your cat’s first day and tips on how to make their first experiences with you the best they can be.
Don’t expect your new cat to settle in overnight. The 3-3-3 rule for cats can help set expectations: in the first three days, your new cat may be hiding or overwhelmed; in three weeks, they’ll start exploring and getting comfortable; and in three months (fingers crossed), they should be closer to feeling fully at home. Every cat is different, but one thing stays the same — you’ll need patience when helping your new cat adjust to their new home.
Before your new cat arrives, a little preparation goes a long way. Making sure you have the right supplies, a safe environment, and a cozy starter room will help set them up for success.
Before your new family member arrives home, you’ll also want to stock up on the following supplies.
A nice big litter box (a low-sided one for kittens)
Cat litter
Cat food
Food and water dishes (preferably stainless steel or pet-safe ceramic)
A scratching post
Grooming tools, including nail clippers and a cat brush
A cat bed, pillow, or blanket
Next, you should cat-proof your home. We all know how curious cats can be, and though they can often appear invincible (and may think they are), it’s important to make sure their environment is safe. Here are a few essential precautions to take:
Keep breakable objects out of reach
Anchor unsteady or top-heavy furniture to the floor
Cover electric cords, cables, and phone chargers
Make sure your windows are secure
Get rid of any poisonous plants
Close or lock kitchen cabinets
Make sure household cleaners are inaccessible
Hide sharp objects
Once you’ve cat-proofed your home and gone on a shopping spree, there’s one more important step to take: prep a starter room. Many cats are scared in their new environment at first and may even be inclined to hide. Putting them in a starter room — like a small bedroom, big airy bathroom, or another room with a door you can close — will help your new cat get used to that smaller space before being faced with the larger environment of your entire home. Having this personal space can go a long way to helping them acclimate. You’re probably wondering where your cat should sleep at night and remain safe. The starter room is the perfect solution.
Once you choose which room will be the starter room, put all your cat’s supplies in there, including a litter box filled with litter.
Check to make sure windows and any other possible escape routes (like loose vent grills) are securely closed.
Unplug or securely tape down any electrical cords, and remove any small ingestible or breakable objects — pretend you are childproofing for a two-year-old human.
This starter room will also be very useful if you already have a pet (or pets) at home. When introducing new pets — especially a new cat to a resident dog — you’ll want to separate them initially not only to give your cat space to adjust but also to give your resident pet time to get used to their new family member’s presence at a distance. You can slowly introduce your new cat to your resident pet by following these steps.
As your cat grows more relaxed, they’ll begin to show signs that they are adjusting positively to their new home. Recognizing these behavioral cues can help you get a better feel for their comfort and will allow you to offer better support if they’re struggling to adjust.
Exploring: A curious cat who moves around more confidently, checking out new spaces, and not just hiding in a corner or under the bed is a great sign.
Eating and drinking: Consistently eating meals and drinking water are key indicators. Stressed-out cats may skip meals at first, so when their appetite returns, it’s a sign they’re feeling more comfortable.
Using the litter box: Going regularly and not having accidents outside the box shows they’re settling in.
Being social: If your cat seeks you out for attention, rubs against you, purrs, or shows interest in play, they’re on the right track.
Grooming: Keeping up with self-care means they feel safe and relaxed. (Though over-grooming can be a sign of stress.)
Relaxed body language: Soft eyes, relaxed whiskers, and a loose body posture while being out and about are all good signs.
Kneading: Affectionately known as “making biscuits,” kneading signals comfort and contentment.
Accepting affection: A cat who’s adjusting well will be more receptive to gentle petting and interaction — on their terms, of course.
The first few days with your new cat will be exciting, but they may also be challenging, as your new family member may not immediately feel comfortable in their new environment. It’s important to give your new pet space and remember that all cats are different: the pace at which they’ll grow comfortable in their new home will vary. So take it slow. Some cats will walk around and explore right away, but typically, cats will take between two days and a couple of weeks to adjust to a new home.
Here are a few common behaviors you might see as your new cat adjusts.
Even when you give your new cat space in their starter room, they commonly refuse to eat in new environments due to stress. Change is hard, not only in an environment but also in a diet — you may be feeding your new cat food different than what they got in a shelter, or if they were a stray, they may not be used to cat food at all. To help your new cat transition, offer food only at set meal times. You can also add cat food toppers or try different feeding set-ups (like a plate on the counter) to entice your cat to eat. If your cat has gone two to three days without eating, you should see a veterinarian. For kittens, the timeline is shorter — they should see a vet if they haven’t eaten in 24 hours.
Your new cat may also hide at first; hiding is a normal reaction for a cat to have to an unfamiliar environment. You can help your cat by providing a cat carrier, tunnel, covered cat bed, or other safe places for your new friend to hide. Keep their resources, including a litter box, food, and water, close to that spot until they’re more comfortable coming out.
It will take time for a new cat and any resident pets to adjust to their new situation. Remember, it could take several weeks to several months — every cat is different. Tempting though it may be, rushing this process can be a mistake. The slow approach is worth the extra time and will allow you to ensure your pets are all happy and comfortable in your home.
If you bring home a kitten and have an older cat at home, you may want to take some extra care in making these introductions. For example, a kitten will have far more energy than your older cat, so you’ll want to play with the kitten more so they don’t bother your older cat. It may take some time for a resident cat to get used to a new kitty.
Soon, you should see signs that your new cat is adjusting to your home, including an increased appetite, playfulness, and a calmer demeanor (which can sometimes mean less meowing). You can also keep an eye out for body language that indicates they’re happy and relaxed, like a flat back, their head held high, soft lips, and their ears up. They may knead their paws and have their whiskers forward. Purring is also a very good indicator that your new cat is happy and settling into your home.
It’s best to keep your new cat indoors. Despite stories about cats finding their way home from far distances, in reality, your new cat is very likely to become lost. Young kittens should be kept indoors until they are fully grown (12 months), but if your new adult cat will be free roaming, wait at least four weeks before allowing your adult cat to go outside to give them a chance to bond to your family. Do consider the advantages of keeping your new cat indoors always — outdoor cats are exposed to disease, cat fights, dogs, and other wild animals, and are more likely to be hit by cars.
If your adult cat must go outside, consider a cat-escape-proof enclosure to keep your cat contained and predators out — like a catio. An enclosure with a top will protect your cat from flying predators and those who can climb and jump like coyotes. Adding a cat-proof fence (like one with an angled-in topper or smooth vinyl over seven feet high) offers some protection too. Bringing your cat inside at night may also reduce the risk of them being killed by predators. To train your cat to come in at night, set their daily feeding time to be at the hour when you want them to come inside for the night. You can reinforce coming in with treats as well.
Every cat and kitten is different, and the amount of playtime they’ll need will vary, but they will generally need two to three play sessions a day, if not more. These sessions can be short bursts; providing your cat with toys can also go a long way toward engaging them. Kittens may need more playtime than cats, but adult cats still need playtime. But if they’re not in the mood to play yet, that’s okay too. It may take up to three weeks for them to feel comfortable enough to engage.
In terms of other people playing or interacting with your new cat: avoid friends meeting your new cat until they are relaxed and happy in their new home. Once your cat is acclimated, however, socialization is important, especially for kittens. Exposing your kitten or cat to new people and environments can help them decrease fear and stress in new situations in the future.
Yes, it is okay to keep your cat in one room as they adjust to living in their new home. Over time, you can give your curious cat more space and access to explore other rooms in the house. The length of time they spend in their starter room depends on the cat and their comfort levels; some cats may need a few weeks or more to adjust to their new home.
Within the first week or so, you will want to bring your cat to a veterinarian for an exam, to get preventatives and vaccines, and to potentially be spayed or neutered. If your cat has just been spayed or neutered before you brought them home, follow your vet’s instructions on monitoring their behavior and health.
You can decide what food to buy your new cat based on that food’s nutrition and any specific needs your new kitten or cat may have.
You can help your new kitten adjust to their sleeping area by keeping them in a starter room with a comfortable bed or blanket.
“Caring for Fearful Cats | Wisconsin Humane Society.”, 2024,
Bartels, Meghan. “Why Do Cats Knead like They’re Making Biscuits?” Scientific American,
Zhang, Lingna, et al. “Dealing with Stress in Cats: What Is New about the Olfactory Strategy?” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, vol. 9, 15 July 2022,
Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.
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