What were Finnish Lapphunds bred for?

What were Finnish Lapphunds bred for?
Finnish Lapphunds were bred by Sami people to accompany them and assist in reindeer herding throughout the challenging climates of the far North and Arctic Circle. In addition to becoming a popular house pet throughout the Nordic countries, this hardy and enthusiastic breed continues to herd reindeer and live alongside traditional Sami people to this day. 
The coat and build of the Finnish Lapphund are perfectly adapted to assist with herding reindeer in the harsh environments of Lapland. Their dense double coat provides excellent insulation against extreme cold and wet conditions.
Their sturdy and athletic medium-sized build gives them the agility and endurance needed to navigate the rugged and often snowy terrain of the far north. This robust yet agile build allows them to move swiftly and efficiently, which is crucial when herding reindeer over large areas.