Periodontal Disease: Ragdolls, like many breeds, can be susceptible to dental problems. Regular dental care and cleanings are crucial to maintain oral health.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): HCM is an abnormal thickening of the heart’s left ventricle that leads to improper blood flow. It is the most common cause of heart disease in cats and can result in sudden death. In Ragdolls, HCM is usually caused by an inherited mutation and can be found with a DNA test.
Urinary Tract Issues: Ragdolls may be at a slightly higher risk for urinary tract problems, such as urinary crystals or blockages. Maintaining proper hydration and a balanced diet can help reduce this risk.
Obesity: Ragdolls may be prone to weight gain if their diet and exercise aren't appropriately managed. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for their overall health.
Others: Ragdolls also have a predisposition to feline infectious peritonitis, a rare but deadly viral infection passed through cat feces, and bladder stones.