
How much do Blue Lacys shed?

How much do Blue Lacys shed?
Blue Lacys are moderate shedders, so while they do shed, it’s pretty manageable. Their coats are low-maintenance compared to many other breeds because they are tight and smooth and lie close to the skin, which helps keep the shedding under control. 
Routine brushing — about once a week — should be enough to remove loose hairs and keep their coat looking shiny and healthy. During seasonal changes, like spring and fall, they might shed a bit more, so upping the brushing frequency can help manage the extra hair. 
Bathing isn’t something you’ll need to do too often because Blue Lacys have a coat that naturally repels dirt, so a bath every couple of months, or as needed if they get particularly dirty, should suffice. Just make sure to use a gentle dog shampoo to avoid stripping their coat of natural oils.