Are Cockapoos double-coated?

Are Cockapoos double-coated?
Some Cockapoos may be double-coated, and some may not. This is because Cockapoos’ parents can have very different kinds of coats. Purebred Cocker Spaniels have double-layer coats with a much thicker undercoat, while Poodles have a single-layer, coarse, curly coat. 
There are three main coat types your Cockapoo may have. If your dog is more like a Poodle, they will have a single-layer, tight, curly coat that sheds the least. If your dog is more like a Cocker Spaniel, they will have a double, straight, or wavy-haired coat, which sheds just like a Cocker Spaniel’s would. The third type is more mixed and can vary from wavy to loose curls and can be single- or double-coated. However, even double-coated Cockapoos don’t shed too much.