Are Anatolian Shepherds easy to train?

Are Anatolian Shepherds easy to train?
No, Anatolian Shepherds aren’t typically easy to train and they need consistency, patience, plenty of positive reinforcement, and lots of opportunities to make choices during training. That said, it's worth noting that t raining any dog takes substantial time and effort, regardless of breed.
Anatolian Shepherds are an incredibly independent breed and were bred over centuries to autonomously make decisions while guarding livestock. While highly intelligent, your Anatolian Shepherd may not be interested in engaging in training sessions if you don’t incorporate choice and high-value rewards into the learning environment. Supporting your dog’s ability to make choices when possible is a wonderful way to approach training, so this is a great skill to build into learning with your dog regardless of the breed. 
One way to incorporate choice into training is by allowing your pup to shape the sessions. If they offer a down more than a sit, you can work on cues while they are lying down. Or, if they are particularly high-energy during a session, you can adjust your training plan to be more active and playful, incorporating games and toys and focusing less on sedentary cues. Finally, allowing your Anatolian Shepherd to walk away from a training session without trying to coerce or pressure them to continue can help them feel more interested in engaging in the future.