Posted over 14 years ago
Honey is a Chow Chow/Keeshond Mix. She is Brindle. Honey is 2 Years Old. She is spayed and up to date on her shots. She weighs around 50-55 lbs.
Honey is a beautiful sweet girl! Honey was seized from her property by a rural pound. Honey came from a hoarder situation where there were many dogs living outside tied to posts, and living in cages outside. Honey was one of the dogs that didn't get adopted quickly, along with her mother. Honey was very frightened of the pound since she wasn't socialized with anyone. After many months of socializing and letting Honey get comfortable living in a loving warm home without fear of being mistreated again she has become a very loving girl. Honey's favorite thing in the whole world is the couch! As soon as she walks inside after going for a walk she hops right up on the couch and takes a nap. She's very thankful for the comforts she was denied for so long and you can see it in her eyes when she gives you kisses to your hand that she finally is learning to trust. Honey has been living with different dogs and does wonderful with them. She loves having food, water and shelter given to her on a daily basis. When it's time for you to leave that's the only time you'll hear her back because she wants to come with you! She barks when you come home and when you leave, other than that she is completely silent. She still has her fears of new people, but with the more socializing she has the more comfortable she becomes with everyone. Honey has had a hard life already, we're working with her to make sure her next home is a wonderful forever home!
Honey would do best in a calm household. Someone who works from home or is retired. She does well with all adults, kids, dogs and even cats. We think with Honey needing time to adjust to any new people it would be best for her to have one or two people who are retired or work from home for her. She would probably do best with an older dog or being the single dog since she isn't playful and wouldn't be a good companion for an active dog wanting to play. Honey must go to a home that allows her on the furniture, that was the first thing that started to open her up is cuddling on the couch or bed and she's so used to it she wouldn't be able to be trained out of going on it anyway. Honey is completely crate trained and housetrained. She was very well on the leash, but does best with a choke chain as a collar because her hair tends to get caught in slip leads and regular collars. Honey is a very low maintenance dog who just wants a couch to lay on, food in her bowl and someone to rub her belly.
Honey is not aggressive with other dogs, she has been with small, large, young and old dogs.
At the rescue we require dogs to be kept indoors.
There is a $100 Adoption Fee for all dogs. Which includes the Spay/Neuter, Parvo/Distemper Combo Shot, Rabies Shot, Worming, Heartworm Tested Negative if over 6 months and Flea/Tick Prevention.
If you are interested in adopting Irish, please call or fill out an Adoption Application which can be found here:
If you are interested in meeting Irish, please E-mail us @ and we will arrange an appointment!!!