
My name is Ginger!

Posted over 14 years ago

My basic info

Yorkie, Yorkshire Terrier/Australian Terrier
Brown/Chocolate - with Black
Small 25 lbs (11 kg) or less (when grown)
Pet ID

My details

Alert icon Not good with kids
Checkmark in teal circle Good with dogs
Alert icon Not good with cats
Checkmark in teal circle Shots current
Checkmark in teal circle Spayed / Neutered
Checkmark in teal circle Housetrained

My story

Here's what the humans have to say about me:

UPDATED BIO 02/03/2010: Hi everypuppy. It's me, Ginger. I'm 4 years old and weigh 11.8 lbs. FM and FD are still giving me the Demodex medicine every day because my skin scraping was still positive. The Dogtor wasn't even going to check because he said I looked soooo good. He couldn't believe it was still positive! So.....I'm going to get checked one last time in 2 weeks. If my skin scraping is still positive, I may have to start receiving Mitaban dips for 6 weeks. The only thing that is helping me through this depressing news).... See, I was hoping to be in my FURever home already) is the hope that soon there will be a FURever home waiting for me. Don't you want a sweet girlie who loves to play and get belly rubs? You can read everything and more about me below.

UPDATED BIO 1/1/2010: Happy New Year! We are please to announce that Miss Wags-a-lot from the Bow Meow Newpaper has agreed to interview Ginger for her weekly segment on rescued animals. Welcome Miss Wags-a-lot. Please enjoy Ginger's interview and feel free to fill out an application for her located via the link below her bio:

An interview with Ginger:

Reporter: Hello, we are sitting here with Ginger, a now 4 year old beautiful little Yorkie mix who was rescued from a kill shelter almost one whole year ago! She is here to tell her story, dispel some myths about mange, and tell us why she thinks she hasn't been adopted yet. Ginger?

Ginger: Yes, hi, Miss Wags-a-lot. I'm so happy to be here. Well, I'm happy to be having this interview and the opportunity to educate the public about Demodex. I'm not necessarily happy to still be in foster care. I mean, Foster Mom and Dad are really nice. I love them so much, but I really want a family of my own.

Reporter: Yes, Ginger. I understand. Every Foster Dog wants a home of their own. Tell everyone a little about you and why you are here.

Ginger: OK. Well, I'm almost 4 years old and weigh 11 lbs. I'm a little chubby and should probably be 10 lbs, but FM's food is so yummy! (That's one of my New Year's resolutions) I was rescued from the shelter in January of 2009 with a bad case of Demodectic Mange. I had barely any hair and was very sad. Thankfully UYR was there to take me home just minutes before I was scheduled to.... well.... I don't like to talk about that. (chokes back sobs).

Reporter: Now, my readers and I are VERY happy to hear that didn't happen..... Now, mange.... isn't that catchy?

Ginger: No, not all types of mange are contagious. I don't have the contagious kind. Mine is called Demodectic Mange (or just Demodex). Demodex is a mite that all dogs have present in their bodies in small quantities. They live in our hair follicles. Usually, all dogs live in harmony with them (you can't see them). Actually, all humans have a similar mite that lives in their eyelashes. So, you can see that it's not a big deal at all. In some dogs (like me), we can occasionally have outbreaks where the mites overpopulate and cause us to lose patches of hair. This happens when we're stressed. So..... I was fixed right away (the fluctuating hormones can cause Demodex outbreaks), I eat high quality food, I get regular groomings..... All the normal stuff.

Reporter: So, you don't have any special care or costs associated with Mange?

Ginger: Well, when you brush me, it's good to be mindful of any changes in my skin. Usually a mange outbreak will start off in a very small area. If caught early, it is very inexpensive and easy to treat. My Dogtor told me so. So, if that is what you mean by 'special care' then yes. That's it. I just need someone who will take good care of me and wants me to stay as pretty as I am now!

Reporter: Well, I see you had a small relapse in November. Why is that?

Ginger: The Dogtor is not sure, but he thinks it's because I didn't have the full course of treatment the first time around. We're fixing that though. I've been taking the medicine every day like a good girlie. It's only a tiny amount once a day. You already can't tell that I had a little rough patch on my chin. It's all better now!

Reporter: Do all dogs have relapses?

Ginger: Some dogs never have another outbreak after their initial treatment. Some have them once or twice in their lifetime. Some have them more frequently. I went 11 months with no issues, and the Dogtor is hopeful that after the full treatment. I will be mange-free or a long long time. :)

Reporter: Fantastic! It sounds like you're improving! When can you be expected to be ready for adoption?

Ginger: I need to finish this course of medicine which I will take until mid-January. Then, I will need a final skin scraping. I'm really hoping that by then my new family will have applied for me, all the checks will have been done, and they will be waiting for me.

Reporter: Is there anything else you want people to know about you or about Mange?

Ginger: Well, I want people to know that I'm just a normal dog. I do normal things. I am housetrained to use wee wee pads. I love to go for walks outside! I like to play with friendly submissive dogs who will let me win at tug of war. I don't bark a lot. I am not good with cats. I am a member of CCA (Cat Chasers Anonymous). I would like a doggie companion but an active friendly mommy or daddy would be fine too! Only older children (12 and over please) for me because I don't like it when little kids try to take my toys away. Oh, yeah, and I'm hoping that my new mommy or daddy will let me sleep in bed with them.

Reporter: Well, this has been Miss Wags-a-lot reporting for the Bow Meow Newspaper. Ginger has one last thing to say

I have been waiting for so long for someone to make me their own special girl. Could you be the family I have been dreaming of?

UPDATED BIO 11/28/2009: Hi, my name is Ginger. I'm 3 1/2 years old, and weigh 11 lbs. I am a sweet little girl and might be a mix between a Yorkie and an Australian Terrier. When I was rescued, I had a bad case of Demodex, a type of non-contagious mange. I recently had a little flare-up, but my FM caught it quickly, and I'm gonna be just fine. She says my new mommy or daddy doesn't have to worry, because it's not very expensive at all! Otherwise, I am a very very healthy and happy little girl :)

There's not a lot to report here. I'm just waiting over here in Key West for SOMEONE to see my bio and my picture and decide I would be their perfect little princess. I'm housetrained and fun. I love walks and love playing. I do chase kitties, but hey, nobody is perfect! Please adopt me. My FM goes to Miami a lot; so, don't think you have to come ALL the way down here to get me. Well, that's all for now. Check out my new pix. I'm so purty, aren't I?

UPDATED BIO 10/13/2009: Hi everyone! It's me, Ginger! Did you forget about me? I'd like to have a FURever home too. I am a loving, sweet little 3 year old, 10.5 lb little girlie who just wants a home of my very own. I am being fostered in Key West, but my FM and FD travel to Miami a lot. You wouldn't have to come ALL the way to Key West to get me. I love to play but I can lounge around too. I like other dogs, but I chase kitty cats. I like kids, but only the older ones who aren't going to try and take away my treats. I love to go for walks and LOVE to play fetch!

When FM picked me up from the shelter TEN MONTHS AGO, I had hardly any hair from demodectic mange. The shelter manager had to put a special note in my file not to make me go to sleep (whatever that means) until UYR came to look at me. I also had a severe case of kennel cough. I overheard FM say she wasn't sure if I was going to make it. Well, I did, and just look at me! I'm 100% better! I'd really love to be your princess if you'd let me come live with you. I would love a doggy companion too since I do love to play at least some of the time!

Please look no further. If you want a housetrained (I go on wee wee pads.... dunno why. I just like them) little girlie who is an overall FAB-U-LOUS dog, fill out my adoption application! I'll be waiting... and waiting....

UPDATED BIO 08/20/2009: MY NAME IS GINGER - I am 3 years old and weigh 10 lbs. I'm not really sure why I haven't been adopted yet. I've had lots of interest lately and almost got adopted THREE times! One time, the adopters found out I wasn't 100% Yorkie and thought I was too big (how rude!). The next time, they couldn't wait and bought a puppy from a pet store. Finally, I thought I found my FURever home, but the adopter was scared that I would be sick. How could I tell her I WASN'T sick anymore?? I only had one urinary tract infection and that was 3 days after my spay. It's pretty common to happen to us girlies after our spay... Sigh.... Well, here's a little about me. I am sweet. I don't bark much. I wee wee on a pad or outside. I love going for walks and walk like a true lady on my leash. I love playing with toys and enjoy the company of another dog of similar size and age. My FM and FD think I'm perfect! They hate to see me go, but they know they need to make room for more like me. Maybe you want to read a little more about me. If you think I might be the princess you've been waiting for, please email my FM 'kay? xoxo Ginger

UPDATED BIO 7/24/2009: Hey everypuppy! It's me Ginger, a 3 year old 10# girlie. I may be a Yorkie-Australian Terrier mix. At least that's what my groomer says. I think it's a beeeeautiful combo, don't you?

Not much new here. I'm still cute... I'm still having fun with my furbrothers and fursister.... I'm still waiting for my FURever home. C'mon and adopt me already!

UPDATED BIO 6/14/2009: Hi there! I'm Ginger! I'm a pretty 3 year old 10# Yorkie girl (maybe a Yorkie mix.... we're not so sure!) I was the very first little girl to be rescued by UYR in 2009. I was saved from a high-kill shelter where I was in pretty rough shape. See, I had a bad case of demodectic mange. My FM knew I was going to get better and become a beauuuutiful little girlie so she busted me outta there. Well, the mange is all better now, and I am feeling GREAT! I had a couple of other bumps along the road (a urinary tract infection), but now I am just fine. I'm back on regular doggie food and doing well.

I love to play with my furbrothers and fursister in FM's home. I like to play tug of war with them... and I ALWAYS win. I am housetrained to use wee-wee pads. I love going for walks and walk very well on a leash. I love to give my FM and FD kisses and love to pull the squeakers out of squeaky toys. When I get excited, I drool and my tongue quivers a little. hee hee. FM says it gives me character. Sometimes I chew on the corners of pillows. FM is working with me to try to get me to stop. It's a weird habit, I agree. :)

Well, I'd really love a home with another doggie who would like to play with me.... maybe a nice friendly one. If you'd like to find out more about me, email my FM, 'kay? Love, Ginger xoxo

UPDATED BIO 5/11/2009: Ginger is a 3 year old 10# Yorkie girl. She is a sweetheart who was rescued by UYR at the very last moment from euthanasia (the shelter manager made a special note on her kennel card to please wait for possible rescue before putting her to sleep). She had a severe case of demodectic mange that has since resolved completely. Her beautiful hair is growing in very nicely. So far, it's a little coarser than typical Yorkie hair; so, right now we're not sure Ginger is 100% Yorkie, although she certainly appears to be, but it really doesn't matter. She is absolutely adorable, and she has a wonderful personality to match.

inger is a playful little girlie who loves to run around the house, letting the other furkids chase her. She loves squeaky toys and getting belly rubs from her person. Ginger is also 100% housetrained to use wee wee pads. She prefers them even over going outside. Go figure! She also walks well on a leash. Ginger does not like cats but loves all dogs.

hen Ginger gets excited, her little tongue quivers. Then she starts to drool. It's the cutest thing. She does it every time she gets into a good game of tug of war with another pup or after a good chase. Ginger is so funny to watch. Happily, Ginger's latest urine sample was perfect! She has been switched to another prescription food (Hill's Prescription C/D) and will need to be on this for a month or two before possibly being switched back to regular food. The vet was very optimistic that Ginger's issues are behind her. We are now accepting applications for Ginger. Would you consider being her "Happily Ever After?"

PDATED BIO 4/15/09: Ginger is a sweet 3 y/o little girl who weighs a healthy 10#. She has Demodectic Mange (see earlier posts on her bio for more information on Demodex) and was rescued by UYR 3 months ago. Ginger has completed her treatment for demodex, and the vet is thrilled with her skin and coat ~ she looks beautiful. Her hair is starting to grow in nicely, and she's the sweetest little girl.

inger is also under treatment for a urinary tract infection. She is still on a special diet (it doesn't cost any more than the premium dog food she was eating before) to try and dissolve some crystals the vet found in her urine. This food is very high in fat, and Ginger has gained a little bit of weight (despite the fact that she runs and plays with the other 3 dogs in her foster home). 10# is a good weight for her, although she's slightly heavier at the moment, but foster mom will be working on her with that.

Ginger has a special personality; she LOVES to play with other dogs. There is an alpha dog in the home who is a little possessive with toys, but Ginger does not let him boss her around! She will try to play tug-of-war with his toys and sleep right next to him in his bed if that's what she wants. What a great spirit!! She is truly a GREAT dog whose perfect home would include another playful dog of similar size and weight. Ginger is also 100% housetrained. She likes to chase cats, squirrels, etc. Please consider giving Ginger a second chance at a happy life. Her foster parents would love to keep her, but Ginger knows they have to make room for their next rescued pup. She won't be ready to go until we get her urinary tract issue is resolved. You can still fill out an application for Ginger. If you have any questions about Ginger or about mange, email her foster mom!

UPDATED BIO 3/14/2009: Hey there - Ginger here; I'm a 3 y/o little girlie who weighs a healthy 10#. I was rescued by UYR 2 months ago with Demodectic Mange (I really want you to go see Halee on the Happy Tails page so you can see how Demodex pups like us look like after treatment!). My hair is starting to grow in and the vet is so happy with my progress!

So.... what's new to tell? I have been having so much fun in the Keys. I love my Foster Family; and I love to play-play-play all the time with the other furkids. I really would love to go to a home with another dog close to my age and size that will play with makes me so happy. I am 100% housetrained and do my business outside as well; and I walk so well on a leash. I do like to chase kitties, though... so, unless you don't like your kitty, I might not be the right doggie for you.

As for my urinary infection, I'm still under special treatment. I'll keep ya updated. I'm feeling fine, though. The Dogtor says I'm almost done with my Demodex treatment. WooHoo! I need a special family who is willing to learn about Demodex and who knows I'll need special attention paid to my skin to make sure it doesn't come back. Just feed me a high-quality diet, make sure I get all my shots like all dogs are supposed to, and make sure I see the Dogtor for my regular checkups and I'll be just fine. If you want a cutie-patootie who loves to play and cuddle too, I'm your girlie. My FM really wants to keep me, but she knows I have to go so she can make room for other homeless pups like me. Come on! Adopt me! Love, Ginger xoxo

PDATED BIO 2/13/2009: Hi there - Ginger here. If you forgot, I'm 3 years old and weigh 8#. Oh, another thing - I made a move from Miami to Key West, FL. Foster Mom says it's only been 2 weeks since my last update, but I just KNOW I have a wide fanbase out there who wants to hear ALL about me! This is just a quick note to let everypuppy know a few things we just discovered about little me!

First of all, I LOVE TOYS! I didn't really understand what to do with them when I was first rescued, but they are so much fun! Sometimes I just toss them in the air to myself! I guess that looks like a lot of fun because then the other furkids com steal my toys. Oh well, I just let it go. See? I'm easygoing!

I was spayed last week and my teeth were cleaned - they are so white and so straight, the Dogtor says it looks like I have dentures! A couple of days after my spay, I got a bladder infection and need to be on special medicine for a little while. I'm feeling just fine, though! Oh, by the way, check out my friend Halee on the Happy Tails page. She's proof that us Demodex doggies need a fair chance. She's beeeeautiful and recovered very well from mange. I will too! Adopt me, pleeeeeeeease :). Licks and wags, luv Ginger.

UPDATED BIO 2/1/2009: Ginger is 3 years old and now weighs a perfect 8#. She is being fostered in Miami, FL. Below is what Ginger's Foster Mom said about her:

I just had to send along an update to let everyone know how Ginger is doing as she recovers from demodectic mange (see earlier posts for an explanation of demodectic manage). Ginger is a DOLL! Since she's recovered from kennel cough, she has been allowed out of isolation and has been interacting with the other fur-kids in the home. She desperately wants someone to play with her, but nopuppy is interested. She "bats" at Coby and even climbs into bed next to him to be closer to him. (It's so cute, but Coby really wants nothing to do with her. :-( She enjoys sitting in your lap or curling up with another furry companion. I would love to see Ginger go to a home with a pup of similar age and weight. Ginger doesn't quite get how to play with toys yet, but she's interested in them. She's also interested in squirrels, kitties, other dogs, etc; she is inquisitive and loves to explore. I can't say for sure, but I suspect Ginger would be a kittie-chaser. The gang just got back from the doggie park, and Ginger enjoyed roaming around, seeing all the sights, and smelling all the smells. She is very friendly, submissive and playful. She uses the wee-wee pads and also goes potty outside. (No accidents in the house yet!) Her mange has significantly improved, and the kennel cough is gone. Ginger is getting spayed and having her dental this week. Wish her luck!

UPDATED BIO 1/20/09: Ginger is 3 years old and weighs 7 lb 12 oz; she is being fostered in Miami, FL. Regarding Ginger's skin/hair......Ginger saw the vet today, who confirmed that despite two negative skin scraping tests, Ginger has demodectic mange. It's not contagious to humans or other pets. It's actually caused by something that is present in all dogs in small quantities, but for some reason some dogs don't have as strong an immune system and are predisposed to outbreaks. It can flare up when a dog is under great stress (and since Ginger is not spayed yet, going into heat may have triggered this. She will be spayed as soon as her kennel cough is cured).

Now that we know the diagnosis, we have put her on some special medicines which should clear her skin in the next couple of months. Ginger is currently being bathed with two special shampoos and receives medicine to kill the mange mites, in addition to medicine for her kennel cough.....poor baby. It is possible that the mange could return at some point in her life if she becomes stressed for some reason, but it is less likely that it will return everywhere. Her new owners will have to make sure she eats high quality food, she gets all her vaccines, and sees her vet regularly to make sure this condition does not return. There are lots of success stories with Demodex (if you want, we'll send you some great before and after pics) and we're keeping positive that sweet Ginger will be one of them. She's housetrained, walks PERFECTLY on a leash, gives gentle kisses, and hardly makes a peep! Ginger has a long life ahead of her and she deserves a chance to have a happy and healthy life. Could her FURever home be yours?

ORIGINAL BIO 1/15/2009: Today Ginger was rescued from sure euthanasia. It was due to happen this evening. It makes me very sad to even think about it -almost as sad as little Ginger looks in her picture. UYR was her last and only hope and boy am I glad I picked up this princess from her little outdoor shelter cage. Ginger (named for her pretty red hair) is 3 years old and weighs 7 lb 12 oz; she is being fostered in Miami, FL. She is recovering from pyoderma, a skin infection. She went to see our rescue vet this evening and though her skin scraping was negative for mange, she has the typical mange appearance with missing hair all over her body. She's also got a case of kennel cough. We are hopeful that with a little love and some good medicine (we're treating her for mange just in case), Ginger will make a full recovery and show everybody how little dogs from the shelter can blossom.

Ginger was starving when she came home and was happy to eat until she couldn't eat anymore. She is a sweet little girl who loves to go for walks. She walks well on her leash. I can tell she'd rather be with me but she's being kept in isolation right now and will have to stay in isolation for at least a week or so. Please say prayers for this little princess that she starts to feel better soon and that she finds a loving family who can look past her flaws and see the beautiful girl underneath. Thanks from Ginger's foster mom.

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