Pretty Petra is the supermodel of Rhodesian Ridgeback/Pitbull mixes. She's a real head turner -- tall, lean and exotic-looking with a velveteen brindle coat that changes color depending on where the light hits it. On walks, when she sees something in the distance that interests her, she holds her head high, pricks her ears forward and starts prancing like a pony. The world is definitely her runway! While this gal has an undeniably pretty face -- small, elegant and shapely –- set on an enviably long neck, she also has a great personality with a sly smile that let's you know she's friendly and always up for a good time. And unlike most supermodels, she's not high-strung or neurotic. Petra's calm, gentle, polite and VERY food-motivated, which will make training a breeze. In fact, she's already picked up sit and down, and walks nicely on leash without any pulling, looking up at you every now and then to make sure everything is ok -- definitely the sign of a smart dog. Additionally, Petra crates well, loves car rides, is housetrained, and was completely unfazed by the vet. She passed her cat test with flying colors and was once so excited to see a cat outside that she repeatedly "bowed" to it, asking it to play. Very cute (though the cat didn't take her up on the offer).
Petra's been living in an apartment and has been the perfect houseguest – taking breaks from quietly occupying herself with toys to come up to you every now and then for gentle pets. As one person who met her said, "She's quite the little lady, isn't she?" We have to agree. However, she also has a puppy-like exuberance when she's outside, and loves to frolic in the grass by herself, or, even better, with some doggy friends. She's been in play groups with both female and male dogs and hasn't exhibited any aggressive behavior towards either. We think this gal is winner and will do well as an only pet or in a home with other dogs and cats. Please consider giving Petra a whirl. You won't be disappointed!