Posted over 11 years ago
We do not have a shelter- all our pets are in foster homes and can be seen by appointment only during the week, or at our weekly pet adoptions every Sunday at the Animal Clinic of Morris Plains from 12:30 to 3PM at 3009 Route 10 East next to 5 Star Car Wash (formerly Boulder Car Wash) in Morris Plains (Denville on GPS). To help us better match a pet to your household, we request you fill out an application on our homepage and copy and paste it into an email, or print it and bring it to our adoption day when you come. Local inquiries only please- we do not do long distance adoptions.
Can't adopt but still want to help this dog? Click on the "Sponsor Me" button at the top of this page to donate toward his/her care! All donations are tax-deductible and go directly toward the care of our rescue dogs. Thank you for your support!
Have you ever owned a dog before? Yes No How long ago did you own your previous dog(s)?_____________ What breed?_______________ Were they spayed/neutered?_______ For how many years did you own your previous dogs?___________________ What happened to your previous dogs? Please explain.____________________________________________ Have you ever surrendered a pet to a shelter? Please explain.________________ Are there other dogs in the household now? Yes No How many?______ What breed? ___________________How old? ______What sex? M F Are they spayed/neutered?_____________________ Please describe their personality:__________________________ Do you have any cats or other pets now? Yes No What type? ______________________________________________ Are they spayed/neutered? Yes No What happened to your previous cats/other pets? Please explain_______________________________ Who is the dog being adopted for?_______________ How many people are in your household? _________________________________________________ What is their relationship to you? ________________________________________________________ If children, what age and gender? ___________________________________________________________ Are all family members in agreement about adopting this pet?___________________ How many hours per day will the dog be left alone?_______________________ Is this permanent?_____________ Are you planning on crate-training? Yes No When and for how long will the dog be in the crate? Please explain.__________________________________________________Where will the dog be kept during the day? _____________________________ At night? _____________________ While no one is home?_______________ Do you live in a (place an X before one): ______Private Home_____Apartment______Condo______Other Do you rent or own your home? ____________Does the lease allow pets? Yes No Landlord?s name and telephone #: ________________________________________________________________ How long have you lived at this address? _________________________________________ If less than 2 years give previous address ___________________________________________________________ Is your yard fenced? Yes No What size and height fence? __________________________________________ If no fence, what method will you use to take the dog outdoors? ________________________________________ Will the dog be allowed to run loose outside a fence?________ What is your occupation? ___________________________How long have you worked there? _______________ Name and address of employer ___________________________________________________________________ What are your work hours? _______________________ What veterinarian have you used for past and current pets? Please include phone #. ___________________________________________________________________How often have your pets seen this vet?________________________ May we check with the vet as a reference? _________________________________________________________ Why do you want this pet? ______________________________________________________________________ What qualities are most important to you in this pet?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What problems would cause you to have to return this pet?_______________________________________________________________________________ Please describe your household. (ie: active, quiet, noisy, etc.) _________________________________________________ Will you have this dog's ears cropped/tail docked?_________________ Is anyone in your household allergic to pets?______________ Will you spay or neuter your pet? Yes No Do you realize the cost of food and veterinarian care? Yes No Are you willing to take responsibility for this dog for the rest of its life, possibly 10 ? 15 years? Yes No Will you take this dog to obedience class if needed? Yes No Thank you!
SECOND CHANCE PET ADOPTION LEAGUE Dog & Puppy Screening Application